Transforming pre-evaluation process for faster result publication
Dummy numbering, OMR/Barcode reading and image capture all done in one single scan of the booklet.

FireEye has been the product which has redefined the examination evaluation process over the last decade. Being one of the first products to come out of R&D by TRS, this machine can handle huge amounts of answer booklets with high efficiency. Booklets can be sent directly for evaluation after exams, thereby saving more than 20-25 days of manual labour, which directly results in faster publication of results. Attendance data is also verified simultaneously, hence, missing or excess answer booklets can be identified.
Key Features

No tearing of front sheet
Just by adopting a simple change in existing process and by using the FireEye scanner, Institutions can completely eliminate the process of tearing certain parts of the front page of answer booklets. Weeks of manual work is put in currently to do this, before sending booklets for evaluation. Instead, by using secure, encrypted QR codes, the identity of student can be masked and the FireEye helps to read and match results after evaluation in just one scan.

Elimination of multiple scans
Even without changing the current process, one can deploy FireEye to make it more efficient. Initially, just after tearing the top part of the front sheet, booklets can be sent directly for evaluation, without printing any dummy numbers or scanning booklet barcode. Once after the evaluation is done, booklets need to be scanned using FireEye once and results can be published at once.
Process / Work Flow

Faster publication of error free results.

Reduces manual intervention, makes the process streamlined.

Huge volumes of booklets can be handled with ease (1200 booklets/hour under ideal conditions).
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