TRS solutions for Professional Institutes

Handling high volumes of subjective booklets with ease

TRS, keeping up to its apex position in R&D, has come out with unique products to solve the many challenges faced by professional institutes every year, during their examination evaluation. With the assistance of our recent products, the evaluation of subjective papers can now be fully automated and process simplified, thereby saving time and money for the institution.

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Our solutions

Evaluation of answer scripts

Generally the exam conducted at the entry level has objective type questions while the higher level exams are subjective. To handle objective exam evaluation, TRS has well defined, time tested products which offer error free results in least time. In the case of subjective exams too, the same level of efficiency can be achieved today, thanks to the recent solutions developed by TRS through its in house R&D.

Answer booklets are digitised with the help of a unique pre-process which involves cutting/not cutting of booklets as per client requirements. In the case of the former, the booklets go through a process of batching and ID marking, which eliminates the chances of misplacement/exchange of pages of the cut booklet. The booklets are then stitched after scanning the sheets and undergoing a water tight quality check. If the booklets need to be digitised without cutting, TRS has come up with an effective book scanner, which is semi-automatic and can handle large volumes with ease.

  • No dummy numbering required. This eliminates all other allied processes related to it.
  • Simultaneous evaluation of the same booklet possible without any extra effort.
  • RTI requests/revaluation can be handled with utmost ease.
  • Physical movement of booklets minimised, thereby saving costs and time.

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